Thanks to information from viewers of the website, we have been able to locate many of the missing to date.
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Elizabeth M Andersen Marijean Dorin Judy Schiedemeyer
Kathleen S Bartell Miller Donald Haynes Daniel Schultz
David Bishop Walter J Herbst Katherine Schultz
Michael Brown William C Gleason Anna Schwartz Rudloff
Phil Bruner Richard Heckert Sue Simpson
Jane Bulgrin John Spetch Bruce Fuhrman
Lynn M Cartwright Michael S Sanders Terry Resch
Dolly Drier James A Kiefer Doreen Swinton
Marilyn Schertz Steven Komp Terry Tucker
Mary M Evans Collins David Hogan Gary VanRyzin
Ann M Fargo Michael J LeMieux Marion VandenBoogart
Christine Gill Wagner Barbara Haen Bull Edward F Weismann
Gerald Feistal Bonnie J Miller Frances Westgor
Linda L Feldt Mary Pekel Virginia Wilcox
Gail D Freyberg Peg McCarthy Lynn Zimmerman